Perform Green progresses memberships in 2017 – building connections across the UK
Perform Green is pleased to announce that we have become members of two new organisations in 2017 as part of our continued commitment to challenge old ways of working and be innovative in our approach to solving complex societal issues through relationship building and collaboration.
First up is our recent commitment to the Co-operative Councils Innovation Network, who focus on a collaboration between local authorities committed to finding better ways of working for, and with, local people for the benefit of their local community.
Their work is highly aligned with Perform Green’s belief that new models for local government need to exist to deliver on the growing demands and expectations of citizens, alongside the rapidly changing environments that we live in. CCIN councils have a priority on civic leadership with local people being equally involved and participatory in shaping and strengthening communities, building on the co-operative movements foundations of:-
- Collective action
- Co-operation
- Empowerment
- Enterprise.
Councillor Sharon Taylor, Chair of the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network and Leader of Stevenage Borough Council commented:
“As the challenges presented by austerity continue to present themselves to councils and the communities we serve, some councils are taking the bold decision to tackle this on their own front doorstep by using their own investments and purchasing power to benefit their local economy. Our co-op councils are investing in communities and the power of people in just this way and demonstrate this in their innovative approaches to service delivery. We’re delighted that Perform Green have shown their support in developing innovative Co-operative Councils and welcome them as an Affiliate Member.”
At Perform Green we are extremely pleased to reinforce our company values of trust and innovation by joining a community of 21 councils, from Croydon to Edinburgh, and that by working together we can learn, share and develop new approaches to local government resulting in tangible differences to our communities.
We are also pleased to announce that we also recently became a member of Sheffield Digital, an organisation that aims to develop the best possible environment for setting up, working in and growing digital businesses in Sheffield and the surrounding region. Perform Green have decided to become more involved in this area not only as our CEO, Toby Rhodes is based in Sheffield along with a number of our Associates, but also as the organisations aims reflect our understanding of the smart society space and how important nurturing tech communities to deliver against city wide challenges is.
Chris Dymond, Sheffield Digital Co-Director and Perform Green Associate said:
“We founded Sheffield Digital three years ago with a mission to help grow the city’s digital industries by connecting, promoting and representing the sector locally, regionally and nationally. We’re entirely independent and funded by our membership and sponsors, so every person and company that signs up allows us to do more in the pursuit of this. We’re particularly pleased that Perform Green have joined us, as they have so much insight into the digital ecosystems of other UK cities, and we very much look forward to working with them and helping them engage fruitfully here in Sheffield.”
Alongside our formal company memberships individual Perform Green employees are also part of the following communities:
Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures & Commerce – The RSA believes human beings have creative capacities that, when understood and supported, can be mobilised to deliver a 21st century enlightenment and aims through it’s 28,000 strong fellowship to enrich society through ideas and action. You can find out more about their story here. The RSA focuses on cutting edge research and builds networks focusing on three main areas currently:-
- Creating a shift to give power to people and communities, so they can meet their own needs and ambitions.
- Pioneering new methods of learning to gain the most from every individual persons’ potential.
- Identifying new ways of building a flourishing, fair and sustainable economy for everyone.
Barney Smith, Toby Rhodes, Wendy Boast (Non-Executive Director) and Lara Moloney are all RSA Fellows.
The Chartered Institute for Personnel & Development (CIPD) is the professional body for HR and people development. The CIPD are experts on the world of work and career partner to more than 145,000 members around the world. Through it’s expertise and research CIPD provides it’s members and their organisation’s with a valuable viewpoint on the rapidly changing world of work, the standards for the HR and L&D profession and the know-how to achieve organisational success.
Clare Hewitt, Perform Green’s Chief Operating Officer, has been a Chartered member (MCIPD) since 2005.
If you would like to find out more about Perform Green, our values and company commitments please contact Lara Moloney on
Perform Green has also recently welcomed Gavin Beckett as Chief Innovation & Research Officer, you can read some of his thought leadership series below:
Creating a model for Local Government as a Platform
From Smart Cities to Smart Societies — The Story so Far
Can We Still Talk about Digital Transformation?
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