Perform Green Founder Barney Smith introduces “Smart Society”
What is a Smart Society? The world is moving at an incredibly exciting, sometimes overwhelming pace of change. Societies are facing huge challenges drawn from an ever-growing, aging population. In the UK, there will be 3.5m people over the age of 85 (over 5%) within 15 years, with an increasing disparity between the rich and poor and disconnected, highly diverse communities.
From smart phones to blood pressure sensors, we are connected in ways that even 5 years ago most people didn’t believe were possible, with more data generated in the last three years than in the entirety of human history! What does this mean for where we are now and the possibilities open to all citizens for our shared future?
Perform Green believes a smart society puts people at the heart of the solution and tackles the growing challenges presented by an increasing population; transport, infrastructure and health service demands alongside environmental concerns for our food, water and energy supply. Smart societies look at these problems and maximise the use of innovative technologies and collaboration across multiple sectors for people to create:
Efficient and adaptable services
- Connected and efficient cities and communities
- Leading to informed, engaged and contented citizens
There is a lot of hype about the concept of Smart Technology, Smart Cities, Digital Transformation and the Internet of Things. Perform Green cuts through the hype to provide proven strategic leadership for local authorities, central government and businesses who are striving to do more with less and utilise available technology to revolutionise the way citizens, cities, communities and services work together to create a truly Smart Society for the benefit of all.
This is Smart Society.
Perform Green Delivers Digitally Inspired Change
Perform Green applies first hand experience to generate digitally inspired change, balancing technology know-how with a sense of Social Purpose, uniting multiple parties for the greater good and leaving a positive legacy for our clients. We work with you to think and plan for the future while understanding the need to deliver business as usual, working within day to day constraints to create authentic business strategies and delivery plans.
Perform Green work with those bold enough to initiate real progressive change:
- Saving you money
- Creating commercial opportunities
- Delivering future-facing public and business services for all stakeholders