
Perform Green signed up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through our Sustainability Policy in February 2017 (2016/17). This included a commitment to SDG 13 ‘Climate Action’.

During 2017/18 we took radical action to reduce our environmental footprint including executing immediate gross reduction of our carbon footprint through:

  • closing our offices and all becoming home workers
  • travel policies that effectively all but eliminated private travel ie by car
  • removing all paper and tangible consumables from our business
  • selecting lowest carbon technology solutions available for our needs

This equated to at least 70% reduction in our carbon emissions. 

Covid restrictions then enabled us to further reduce onsite meetings to a minimum, which we have been able to sustain beyond the lifting of those restrictions.

Our next step was to achieve net zero. We undertook a baseline of our emissions in 22/23 (see below) and commit to becoming carbon neutral in 2023/24

Baseline Year (2022/23) results

Perform Green have undertaken a baseline analysis of our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) carbon footprint (CO2e).

GHG Scope Carbon Footprint  Carbon Emissions
(Kg CO2e per unit)
Scope 1 emissions 0
Scope 2 emissions 0
Scope 3 emissions   
Transport 1,554.0
Working from Home 2,484.4
Food and Drink 73.0
Associates 75.4
Postage, Freight & Courier 426.8
Hotels 114.4
Procurement 0
Third Party 0
Total Carbon Emissions 4726.0


Perform Green’s Carbon footprint is equivalent to 4,726.0 kg of carbon dioxide, with the two main components being Transport (33%) and Working from home (53%).


A scope meeting with the team, alongside 1:1 meetings, were undertaken to get a better idea of what should be included in Perform Green’s Carbon Footprint, and how this should be rationalised for future footprints. A set of rules were agreed, providing a basis to determine which activities should be included, and which should be excluded. The five rules are listed below.

  • Goods or services that Perform Green has paid for are included in Perform Green’s carbon footprint.
  • Activities are excluded if there is not the availability of reliable data for that activity.
  • Activities that are small and that make a small impact on the overall carbon footprint, will be excluded.
  • If a shareholder deems it important enough to be included, it can be included, and similarly excluded if deemed unimportant.
  • Time Frame- Financial year to align with other reporting.