Perform Green are a proud B-Corp and values-led consultancy business. They provide the expertise to help their clients create a thriving, greener and smarter society. Perform Green deliver; their consultancy services have led to £100m inward investment in one region and 3 ‘Smart City’ awards for our clients in the past 5 years.
We work with clients such as Sunderland City Council (‘Smart City of the year 2020’), The British Olympic Association, Swim Ireland, and the Longhurst Group, and in partnership with organisations such as the Connected Places Catapult. You can find examples of some of our projects here.
Current opportunities
Perform Green are growing our core team - we seek out the very best people. Are you one of them?
We don't have any specific vacancies at the moment, but are are always interested in a conversation with potential associate consultants who can add value and help us to grow our business, in particular in the domain areas of: Sustainability; Smart Places; Smart Energy & Waste; Future and zero emission Mobility and automated logistics.