Perform Green have had a long relationship with Bristol City Council, you can view two of our case studies below. Engagements include:
- An ICT Sourcing Strategy. We combined the dual objectives of promoting operational improvement and efficiency with promotion of Bristol’s digital sector through a Sourcing Strategy that enabled an ecosystem of SME and larger providers to deliver capabilities to and for the Council. The strategy was endorsed by the Leader of the Council and has resulted in significant shift to SMEs and annual revenue savings in excess of £8m.
- A Strategic Review of council ducting and fibre, including commercialisation. This work continues with proposals for new governance structures to both improve commercial return, reduce costs, improve city resilience & tackle connectivity for underrepresented groups.
- Leadership of a new Combined Smart City Operations Centre. Perform Green were asked to review this major strategic initiative for the city, following this review, the programme proceeded under Perform Green leadership with a revised commercial and benefits realisation model which provided enhanced return to the stakeholders within original time, cost and budget constraints. This Programme will result in a new multi-tenanted, multi-functional integrated world class operations centre focused on the needs of citizens, whilst being a commercially viable operation in its own right and underpinning the Smart City of the future.