IT is transforming our lives around us at paces that we just cannot understand. We are talking about cars that have autopilots, we have robotics out there that are doing things in health and artificial intelligence that are thinking about what some of the big challenges are and suggesting the solutions.
This is just out of this world it is the world of science fiction from just 10 years ago and it’s all enabled by IT.
The speed at which that is changing is terrifying, 80% of the sum of human knowledge was generated in the last 3 years and that is true every year. Computers are getting twice as fast annually and as that exponential growth of data and knowledge and processing power is happening it is starting to augment our intelligence and it is so necessary for achieving public service and supporting public sector organisations going forward.
Watch Barney Smith talk more about digitizing the public sector and what it takes in the programme below:
Originally broadcast on Sky TV Business Channel on 23/10/2018